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I am an Author, Lecturer, and Philosopher.
Now, if you want to know more about me, let me give you some insight about my background, and who I am. 

I was born in southwestern France and I have an ancestral connection to Italy via my paternal family. This could explain the passion I have for the Western and Mediterranean traditions. I learnt and practiced very early Eastern philosophies (Buddhism and Hinduism). Eventually, I furthered my interest in the various philosophic and religious traditions which have been passed down to us from antiquity.


I think that this very rich knowledge has been misunderstood and neglected for centuries. Even today the practical applications of these traditions in our daily lives often appear to be forgotten. My training in philosophy and science of religions helped me to reconcile the requirements of critical reason with the Humanistic and spiritual understanding of the world. My passion for the study of religious rituals has increased through the years, and today, it constitutes a large part of my research and work. â€‹


Now let me present key aspects of my past and present activities.



I attended a technical high school in France before I found my way into philosophy.

I got my Master’s degree in philosophy and taught that subject in France for more than 15 years. My thesis was titled “Morals and Religion in the Work of Nietsche.”

I also obtained a degree of Hebrew language. While teaching philosophy I was trained in Gestalt-therapy and obtained a certification delivered by the “Institut Français de Gestalt-Therapie” (French Institute of Gestalt-therapy). For several years, I have also practiced oneirology and hypnotherapy.



I have written more than ten books in French. Most have been published by Grancher Publications (Paris, France), although some special editions and shorter works have been printed by various other publishers throughout the years.

Now writing in English, I am very proud to be published by Llewellyn Publications, the world’s largest publisher of books aiming to expand human potential, spiritual consciousness, and planetary awareness.

Several of my books have already been translated and published in other languages such as Portuguese, Spanish, Dutch, French, and Greek.

Various material related to my books can be found at the online store "Theurgia." I also write and supervise various online courses published by "Theurgia University."

I am a member of the National Writers Union and of the International Federation of Journalists.




Inner Abilities, Meditation, and Creative Visualization: In the 80’s I practiced and taught hypnotism. During these years, I began my training in creative and sacred visualization. Practicing meditation was a prerequisite to this training. I went through each step of this essential ability and learn their use in Eastern and Western spiritual traditions. When I became Grand Master of the Aurum Solis, heir of this theurgic tradition, I received trough the Chain of the initiates, past Masters, and deities the inner attunements allowing me to master these techniques. This spiritual unbroken chain is essential in the practice and teaching. This is from the union between historic and spiritual chains that an authentic teaching can occur.

Today I work with my wife to develop the practical application of creative and sacred visualization to the Yoga techniques and Western Theurgic rituals. We travel together all over the world to teach meditation and advanced sacred visualization.

Inner Abilities

Classical Philosophy and Religious Rituals: As I mentioned before, my philosophical, religious, and spiritual domains of expertise are early Mediterranean philosophy, Neoplatonism, Hermeticism, Theurgy, Magic, and Western Religions in general.


One of my main focuses and areas of expertise has always been religious rituals all over the world, and more precisely in the Western World. Initiatic Orders such as Freemasonry are a large part of my investigations. In my books I explain the history, development, and symbolic meaning of rituals. I have been recognized as a specialist in this field.


Besides philosophy, I have also studied the main Eastern Religions and various forms of Shamanism. I continue to improve my Yoga and advanced visualization process linked to it.

Initiatic World: Initiations are a very old manifestation of the Western Tradition. As part of my research on religious rituals, I study ancient and modern initiatic rituals.

Besides, this historic and analytic research, I have worked in some of the most respectable of its schools. I am the current head of two of them: The Kabbalistic Order of the Rose-Cross and the Aurum Solis. You can learn more about these traditions, in the specific section of this website dedicated to the notion of Initiations.


Freemasonry: Eager to know the Western initiatic Mysteries from the inside, I was initiated into Freemasonry in 1990. I am a Master Mason (raised in 1992) and a Past Master currently belonging to the Grande Lodge F.A.A.M. of the State of Nevada (USA). While living in France and prior to joining American Freemasonry, I was the Grand Officer of the Grand Orient de France (Largest Masonic Organization in France). I have received all the degrees of the Egyptian Freemasonry (33°-95°-AA) and other allied degrees.


I also received the 32 degrees of the American Scottish Rite in Washington D.C. and was initiated in the Royal Arch in Canada. 


In 1997, at a time when French Freemasonry was very reluctant to publish on the Internet, I created the first international online Masonic magazine (restricted to Masons) called: “La Parole Circule” (Spread the word). Until 2008 this magazine was published regularly, sharing the researches done in the Lodges. I was also one of the three masons to found the first French Masonic online community, the “Fraternelle des Internautes Francophones”, (Brotherhood of French WebUsers).

I am always pleased to give lectures and seminars in the Lodges and Valleys of various countries around the world. You can always contact me for any question.




I love to say that my astrological signs are “Plato ascendant Nietzsche.” Finding a good balance between Platonic Idealism and the apparent atheism of Nietzsche is an essential goal of my life!


Graduating in philosophy has been very important. Teaching this wonderful tradition has also been very rewarding. However, philosophy is taught most of the time as a pure intellectual subject, unlike the early times of this tradition.

Although most  of these philosophies were developed in the Greek and Roman civilizations, the subject is not limited to the study of old texts. Rather, it is a living heritage which give us real methods of personal-development and a way to know ourselves in a non-religious way. Through philosophy, we obtain real tools that we can used in our daily life to understand the world and better live in it.

I have learned how to use these tools to help others through counseling, coaching and teaching, and the efficiency of this  method compared to the modern psychotherapy or psychoanalysis is always amazing.



I was 20 years old when a French radio hired me for a live show of 10 episodes about Ancient Mysteries and Mediterranean traditions. More recently I have been invited on several radio shows in the USA.

Lecturing has always been an important and enjoyable part of my work, and I have delivered lectures ans speeches all around the world (Africa, Europe, South and North America).

The subjects may vary according to the audience and purpose of the speech; of course, they always relate to my expertise and training. As a philosopher, it is important for me to present in a simple way the modernity and diversity of this tradition - to teach people how to find peace and enjoy life in a balanced way. Some may call it motivational speaking or spiritual awakening. I call it philosophical awakening. It is wonderful to discover how your reason and your beliefs can work together for the best of who you are.

As an expert on religious and initiatic rituals, I am also presenting these traditions to specialized audiences such as Freemasons, Humanists, and spiritual groups.

I am fluent in English and French but I am also able to understand Portuguese, Spanish, and Italian.



I was 18 years old when I received my passport for the first time. Since then, I have traveled in various countries in the world and extensively around the Mediterranean Sea.

The 80’s were a time when it was still possible to visit Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, etc. without too much risks. Today in 2017 things are very different, but I continue to travel and to explore, discovering new cultures, people, beliefs and traditions, food and wine, etc. Someone said that life is a book and someone who doesn’t travel reads only one page of it. I have been always curious about what we can find behind the horizon!


Technology and Graphic Designer

As a consequence of my training in High School, I have always been attracted by technology, computing, internet, and new technologies.

Besides my main work as a writer and teacher, I design from time to time websites and book covers.

You can find examples of my work in these two expertise by clicking here

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